Ayush Nadimpalli
Our ancient Rishis covered various
aspects of governance. This is covered elaborately in the book Political Thoughts in the Vedas.
Kaschit sarga of the Ramayana is a treatise on political science and duties of
a ruler. This is the chapter in which Bharata comes to Sri Rama to request him
to come back to Ayodhya. Sri Rama ofcourse refuses to come back before
completing 14 years of Vanvaas. However, he talks to Bharata on a number
of issues. Prior to this, Bharata was asked to govern Ayodhya. The Rishis,
Markandeya, Moudgalya, Vamadeva, Kasyapa, Katyayana, Goutama and Jabali-
together speak to Vasishta on the dangers of Arājakata, i.e., anarchy
and the ill-effects it has on society.
Sri Rama advising Bharata on duties
of a ruler
In the current state of society, it
is worth reading the same. The country must make a choice to have a strong, visionary and
effective leaders rather than propping up those who make mileage out of anarchy
and disorder.
The ill-effects of Anarchy as per
न अराजके
जन पदे
प्रभूत नट
नर्तकाः | उत्सवाः
च समाजाः
च वर्धन्ते
राष्ट्र वर्धनाः
|| २-६७-१५
“In a ruler- less territory, festivals and gatherings exalting the kingdom in which actors, and dancers exhibit their talents are not frequently arranged”
“In a ruler- less territory, festivals and gatherings exalting the kingdom in which actors, and dancers exhibit their talents are not frequently arranged”
न अराजके
जन पदे
कारयन्ति सभाम्
नराः | उद्यानानि
च रम्याणि
हृष्टाः पुण्य
गृहाणि च
|| २-६७-१२
do not cause to make a delightful assembly nor erect beautiful parks or
न अरजके
जन पदे
सिद्ध अर्था
व्यवहारिणः | कथाभिर्
अनुरज्यन्ते कथा
शीलाः कथा
प्रियैः || २-६७-१६
a ruler less land, litigants do not get their disputes settled and persons who
have a knack for narrating stories do not gratify story- lovers with their
न अराजके
जनपदे उद्यानानि
समागताः | सायाह्ने
क्रीडितुम् यान्ति
कुमार्यो हेमभूषिताः
|| २-६७-१७
“In a ruler less territory, girls adorned in gold do not go together to parks to play there in the evening.”
“In a ruler less territory, girls adorned in gold do not go together to parks to play there in the evening.”
न अराकजे
जन पदे
धनवन्तः सुरक्षिताः
| शेरते विवृत
द्वाराः कृषि
गो रक्ष
जीविनः || २-६७-१९
In a lord less land, rich people living on agriculture and cattle rearing do not sleep in their abodes well protected, with their doors open”
In a lord less land, rich people living on agriculture and cattle rearing do not sleep in their abodes well protected, with their doors open”
न अराजके
जन पदे
वणिजो दूर
गामिनः | गच्चन्ति
क्षेमम् अध्वानम्
बहु पुण्य
समाचिताः || २-६७-२२
In a rulerless land, traders who go to distant places, carrying with them several merchandises, cannot travel safely in their voyages.”
In a rulerless land, traders who go to distant places, carrying with them several merchandises, cannot travel safely in their voyages.”
न अराजके
जन पदे
चरति एक
चरः वशी
| भावयन्न्
आत्मना आत्मानम्
यत्र सायम्
गृहो मुनिः
|| २-६७-२३
In a rulerless land, a monk who wanders alone, who has subdued his senses, who mediates himself on the soul and who takes up an abode wherever evening overtakes him, cannot roam around the city.”
In a rulerless land, a monk who wanders alone, who has subdued his senses, who mediates himself on the soul and who takes up an abode wherever evening overtakes him, cannot roam around the city.”
न अराजके
जन पदे
योग क्षेमम्
प्रवर्तते | न
च अपि
अराजके सेना
शत्रून् विषहते
युधि || २-६७-२४
“In a rulerless land; gain and security are not duly established. In anarchy, army cannot conquer enemies in battle.”
“In a rulerless land; gain and security are not duly established. In anarchy, army cannot conquer enemies in battle.”
न अराजके
जनपदे हृष्टैः
परमवाजिभिः | नराः
सम्यान्ति सहसा
रथैश्च परिमण्डिताः
|| २-६७-२५
“In a rulerless land, people beautifully adorned, cannot go fast cheerfully in excellent horses and chariots.”
“In a rulerless land, people beautifully adorned, cannot go fast cheerfully in excellent horses and chariots.”
न अराजके
जनपदे नराः
शास्त्रविशारदाः | सम्पदन्तोऽवतिष्ठन्ते
वनेषूपवनेषु च
|| २-६७-२६
“In a rulerless land, persons skilled in sacred treatises cannot sit speaking together in forests and groves.”
“In a rulerless land, persons skilled in sacred treatises cannot sit speaking together in forests and groves.”
यथा हि
अनुदका नद्यो
यथा वा
अपि अतृणम्
वनम् | अगोपाला
यथा गावः
तथा राष्ट्रम्
अराजकम् || २-६७-२९
A rulerless country is like the water less rivers, like the lawn less garden and like the cowherd less cows.”
A rulerless country is like the water less rivers, like the lawn less garden and like the cowherd less cows.”
न अराजके
जन पदे
स्वकम् भवति
कस्यचित् | मत्स्याइव
नरा नित्यम्
भक्षयन्ति परस्परम्
|| २-६७-३१
“In a rulerless land, there is no one’s own property for any one. Like fishes, persons always eat away each other.”
“In a rulerless land, there is no one’s own property for any one. Like fishes, persons always eat away each other.”
यथा दृष्टिः
शरीरस्य नित्यमेवप्रवर्तते
| तथा नरेन्द्रो
राष्ट्रस्य प्रभवः
सत्यधर्मयोः || २-६७-३३
the eye sight is helpful regularly for a proper setting -in-motion of the body,
so also a king is the cause of existence for truth and righteousness of a
Few more shlokas with
English Transliteration followed by the English translation
Nārājake janapade vidyunmālī
Abhivarṣati parjanyo mahīm divyena
vāriṇā //1//
Nārajake janapade vījanustih
Nārājake pituh putro bhāryā vā
vartate vaśe //2//
Arājake dhanam nāsti nāsti
Idamatyāhitam cānyat kutah
satyamarājake //3//
Nārājake janapade kārayanti sabhām
Udayāni ca ramyāṇi hṛstāh pūnya
gṛhāṇi ca //4//
Nārājake janapade yagnyaśīlā
Satrānyanvāsate dāntā brāhmanāh
samśitavratāh //5//
Nārājake janapade
Utsavāsca samājāśca vardhante
rāsṭrabardhanāh //6//
Nārājake janapade siddhārthā
Kathābhiranurajyante kathāśīlāh
kathāpriyaih //7//
Nārājake janapade udyānāni samāgatāh
Sāyāhne krīditum yānti kumāryo hema
bhūṣitāh //8//
Nārājake janapade vaṇijo dūragāminah
Gacchanti kshemamadhvānam
bahupaṇyasamācitāh //9//
Nārājake janapade caratyekacaro vaśī
Bhāvayannātmanātmānam yatra
sāyamgrho munih //10//
Nārājake janapade yogaksemah
Na cāpyarājake senā śatrūn visahate
yudhi //11//
Nārājake janapade narāh
vaneṣhūpavaneṣu ca //12//
Yathā hyanudăkā nadyo
Vanam Agopālā yathā gāvastathā
rāsṭramarājakam //13//
Anarchy (Arājakta ) will lead
- Non-functioning of the water systems.
- Adverse affect on agriculture.
- Disturbance in Families.
- Takeover by goondas over the Monetary system & families.
- Social and cultural activities will take a beating. Deterioration of Temples, Dharmashālas.
- Adverse affect on Spiritual activities including Yagyas.
- Hampering of Peace, tranquility and harmony among people.
- Adverse affect on Kathakaars and those who spread good incidents.
- Young ladies will not be able to move out after sun-set
- Security comes down, feeling of insecurity increases.
- Morale of defense / security forces takes a beating resulting in reduced ability / inability to protect and defend against threats.
- Spread of science will stop.
Definition of anarchy as per Webster’s
The definition of anarchy as per the
Webster dictionary is as follows: ” a situation of confusion and wild behavior
in which the people in a country, group, organization, etc., are not controlled
by rules or laws”
1a : absence of government
1b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the
absence of governmental authority
2a : absence or
denial of any authority or established order 2b : absence of order :
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